Bladder cancer is a rare type of cancer. It begins in the bladder, a small hollow organ that holds your pee. Nowadays bladder cancer can be treated in a variety of ways. It includes surgery, which is the first-hand treatment for this condition. There is a probability of this ill-health recurring after therapy. Therefore patients should be cautious in following up with their healthcare providers.
Healthcare practitioners can cure early-stage bladder cancer. It is a fact that nearly 75 % of initial stage bladder cancers recur.
How Common is Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in men and people designated male at birth (DMAB). The male gender and DMAB category types are four times more likely to get this condition than women and designated female at birth (DFAB). However, as the latter are unaware of bladder cancer signs, they are more likely to have advanced disease.
As per Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network, women are less likely to notice blood in their pee (hematuria). It is the first and most significant bladder cancer symptom, since they relate it with typical gynecological disorders. This condition typically affects adult males who are 55 years and more. On average, patients are 73 years old when they are diagnosed
The exact cause of bladder cancer mutation is still to be found out, and research is going on. The various risk factors that increase your chance of developing this condition include:
1. Cigarette smoking
- This significantly increases your risk of acquiring bladder cancer. Smoking pipes and cigars, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke, may raise your risk.
2. Age and Sex
- People who are beyond 55 years of age are more prone to this condition. Adult males are at greater risk than females due to their smoking trend and exposure to deadly chemicals.
3. Radiation exposure
- Radiation therapy for cancer may raise your chances of acquiring bladder cancer.
4. Exposure to particular chemicals
- People are at high risk of getting this critical condition who work in chemical-based industries.
- Individuals who have repeated bladder infections, bladder stones, or other urinary tract infections are more likely to acquire squamous cell carcinoma.
The most observable symptom is blood coming from the urine. Be sure to contact your healthcare if this is the case. Other signs include:
1. Hematuria, or visible blood in the urine
- When doing a urinalysis, medical professionals can also detect trace amounts of blood in the urine.
2. Dysuria, or pain when urinating
- It is a burning or stinging feeling that can occur either before or after urinating. Men on DMAB may have penile pain either prior to or following urination.
3. Frequent urination
- Urinating frequently indicates that you urinate numerous times in a 24-hour period.
4. Having problems urinating
- Your urine may not flow as strongly as normal or it may start and stop.
5. Chronic bladder infections
- Bladder stone which is a chronic bladder illness increases the danger of bladder cancer.
Diagnostic Tests
The different series of tests include:
a) Cystoscopy
- A slender tube known as a cystoscope is put into the urethra and bladder. This tube has a lens attached to it that checks the bladder for abnormal cells.
b) Urinalysis:
- Urine is analyzed for the presence of blood, protein, sugar, and white or red blood cells.
c) Imaging test:
- Computerized tomography allows the doctor to check the structure of the urinary tract.
Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer
These are briefly highlighted below :
1) Surgery
Depending on the stage of cancer, the doctor may suggest the type of surgery. It may involve part of tumor removal or using high energy current to get rid of cancer cells.
a) Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor:
- Initial stage or non-invasive bladder cancer is taken care of in this medical procedure. A cystoscope is inserted into the urethra to remove the tumor cells.
b) Radical Cystectomy:
- This is another option and is carried out when the tumor has spread outside the bladder region. The entire bladder, with adjacent organs is taken out.
c) Urinary Diversion:
- When the bladder is not fully functional this procedure is carried out. A new passageway for the urine area is created
2) Bladder Chemotherapy
These treat the cancer cells that are present in the bladder lining and are likely to recur again. These cells may advance to a higher stage. Drugs are used here that include cisplatin, carboplatin.
3) Radiation Therapy
When surgery is not feasible or desirable then radiation is suggested. It is common for Stage II cases where the cancer has reached the muscle, but yet to progress further.
4) Targeted Therapy
Gene alteration is the aim of this therapy. It transforms healthy cells into cancerous cells. For example, medications such as FGFR gene inhibitors target cells with gene alterations that promote cancer cell growth.
Preventive Tips
Making good lifestyle choices and avoiding identified risk factors are important steps in preventing bladder cancer. Here are some simple methods to lower your risk:
a) Discontinue Smoking:
- It is the most significant risk factor for bladder cancer. If you quit smoking, it can greatly reduce your risk. Avoid secondhand smoke as well.
b) Stay Hydrated:
- When you drink enough water, it aids in getting rid of deadly toxins from your bladder. Taking 8 glasses of water daily keeps the bladder healthy.
c) Balanced and Healthy diet:
- Fruits, vegetables, and entire grains included in the diet are healthy and good for the body.
d) Avoid Harmful Chemicals:
- If you work in the chemical or rubber industry take safety precautions and use protective equipment. Keeping yourself away from dangerous substances can help lessen your risk of bladder cancer.
e) Follow up with the doctor:
- Regular check-ups are beneficial and can detect problems at an initial stage.
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